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Pictures of Wind Projects
Despite the millions of people who object, the Liberals and NDP’s are forcing people to live with Industrial Wind Turbines.
If you are completely committed that wind turbines are good for the province, would you be willing to live in a house surrounded by Wind Projects?
Rondeau Bay & Chatham Kent – built by GDF Suez
Founder and CEO of GDF Suez is Mike Crawley, past President of the Ontario Liberal Party and current President of the Federal Liberal Party
Parkhill – construction of 100′ high transmission lines that will be used throughout Ontario
Chatham Kent – Project by Kruger Energy
Chatham Kent – Project by Samsung
South of Parkhill – Project by Nextera
Port Bruce
Dufferin County
Village of Erieau
Chatham Kent – Project by Enbridge
Would you live here?
Construction of new home in Haldimond County Abandoned
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